The Day of Epiphany

January 6 is the day of “Epiphany” on the church calendar. Maybe that sounds familiar to you but you can't recall what it means. Epiphany, (the Greek word means "manifestation"), commemorates the visit of the wise men to Jesus. Matthew tells their story, and Herod’s response in Matthew. 2:1-12. 

These wise men are sometimes called three kings, but more likely they were scholars, astrologers, or magicians. We usually display three wise men in our Christmas creches because they brought three gifts. But because of the dangers of travel and the value of their gifts, they were probably part of a large caravan. 

Matthew says they were “from the east.” Likely they were from Persia, which is modern day Iran. They probably had read the prophecy of Daniel, who worked in the Persian government 500 years earlier, about the coming Messiah. They were waiting for signs of the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy. 

Most of you have probably just taken down your Christmas creches. The newborn baby Jesus was in the manger, with Joseph and Mary nearby, surrounded by three kings, presenting their gifts in an outdoor stable. It makes for a nice rustic scene, but it’s probably not accurate. The magi came to Jesus’ "house" (Matt. 2:11), not an outdoor stable. They followed “His star” to Bethlehem, but it would have taken months, or even up to two years passed before they arrived. 

They brought gold which has always been precious. People burned frankincense as a fragrant offering to God and a symbol of holiness and righteousness. Myrrh was as a spice used in embalming. It represents bitterness, suffering, and affliction. The three gifts were fitting for Jesus. Gold demonstrates Jesus’ great worth. Frankincense reminds us He is to be worshipped. Myrrh symbolizes the sacrifice He would make on the cross. 

Herod’s immediate reaction at hearing about the birth of a rival king was to feel threatened and to try to kill Him. Herod commanded the magi, “Report back to me when you find him so that I may go worship him too.” Lies. Conspiracy. Deceit. When Herod learned the magi had ignored his orders, he sent soldiers to Bethlehem to kill every male child under 2 years old. Joseph and Mary had already escaped with Jesus to Egypt. The wise men worshipped Jesus. Herod rejected Him. 

What’s Your response? The meaning of Christmas is not just that Christ came into the world, but that He came on a mission. He was born to die for our sins so that by receiving Him we may have eternal life. The reason for Christmas is not presents under the tree. It’s the cross and the resurrection. Though Christmas day has passed, it's effect remains for those who believe. Isaac Watts wrote, “Joy to the world, the Lord has come. Let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare Him room.” Have you received your king? Have you prepared Him room? 


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